Catalyst Circle - CODE OF CONDUCT
The Code of Conduct applies equally to all members of the Catalyst Circle team.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to explain what behavior is expected of Circle members, to set and maintain ethical standards and to demonstrate integrity on behalf of Circle members and the Catalyst community.
This Code of Conduct should have a way to report incidents or to appeal reports of incidents, and a means for equitable resolution.
Once a Code of Conduct has been agreed, we need a simple process for community members to raise an issue if a Circle member breaches it.
As a Circle member you are expected to:
Regularly attend meetings every two weeks
Maintain an agile backlog list to track issues and coordinate work to deliver on commitments between meetings
Review and comment on agenda issues ahead of time
Maintain awareness of the interests and concerns of their community
Disseminate the Circle’s outputs transparently and accessibly
Learn and practice effective meeting procedures
Produce an election protocol document for the next elections
Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the Circle
Find more value in listening than in talking.
Avoid censorship. Leave politics aside. If a person is making a good faith, reasoned suggestion or project, it deserves fair consideration.
Engage the community in social media
Portray strategic leadership and communicate common direction.
Prioritize Problems
Prioritize the Prioritized Problems
Develop and iterate election processes for future Circle cohorts.
Use the same rules to govern all Community members in terms of decency, and behavior
Be dismissed if 3 meetings pass and they report no progress on any of their prioritized problems
Have a person (sub-circle person) stand in if you are unable to attend Whenever a Circle member appears publicly, they should have to state whether they are acting as a Circle member, or as an individual.
Self-organize into sub-groups to target specific issues affecting particular communities.
If a Circle member creates a proposal related to Circle, it should be discussed and agreed by the whole of Circle before being submitted.
Promote the rules of this Code and take action to bring discussions back to a more civil level when needed.
Participate in separate working sessions to address the prioritized problems
Should be assessed mid-term by the community on whether they are doing what they promised in their election statements.
Must review the strategy for Circle to achieve its goals and make it clear to the community if they agree to change strategy
Define a support team / sub-circle members as needed
Should clearly define their potential conflicts of interest before and during the circle election process.
Be curious and ask questions.
Represent their community in the Circle, not their personal opinions.
Be a role model for Catalyst Show a high level of communication skills
When raising prioritized problems, demonstrate whom they have consulted in their community.
Respond to criticism without taking it personally.
Promote positive social media interactions.
Respect the autonomy of other Circle roles, and should NOT be power-hungry or try to take over other sub-circles.
Uphold a process by which a member can be removed or replaced.
Listen Provide channels on how to reach out to them.
Set an example for the community
Approach criticism as valuable feedback.
Support their respective community in engaging with Catalyst
Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of data they access.
Listen to their constituents and report items in the prioritized problem board.
Provide feedback/input in a constructive and helpful manner.
Represent their respective communities
Be honest about their own qualifications, and about any circumstances that might lead to conflicts of interest.
Provide a safe space for community members to raise problems.
Never discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics or group membership.
Be required to review and agree with a Code of Conduct
Be respectful, honest, and open to diverse opinions.
Demonstrate integrity
Communicate constructively and avoid demeaning or insulting behavior or language.
Be succinct and get to the point.
The code of conduct should include a clear process for removing a Circle member who seriously and/or repeatedly breaches the code of conduct
Report on their community issues and progress
Reach out to the Community they represent in a way that makes sense for the Community and is inclusive.
Treat others with respect, professionalism, fairness, and sensitivity to our many differences and strengths.
As a Circle member you should NOT:
Break any legal laws pertaining to employment
Publicly criticize or intentionally or with malice insult other community members.
Benefit Individual vs. The Community
Make unilateral decisions
Collude with others for your personal gain
Minimize issues raised by other circle or community members.
Ignore the needs of the constituency
Promote your personal proposals in a Circle Forum
Use rude or aggressive language or behaviors
Act against the spirit of the rules.
Use the position for personal benefit
Prevent others from having a voice/silence others
Use the Circle as a platform to promote their own proposals
Harass People
Break the rules of the ideascale terms and conditions Ignore issues raised by the community
Game the system
Relay any inaccurate or falsified information to the broader community
Represent their own interests above community
Submit an unlimited number of proposals during a fund. A reasonable amount <10 is ok as long as it doesn't affect their ability to perform the role of a Circle Member.
Last updated