Meeting Template
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Catalyst Circle Meeting #13
Catalyst Circle Meeting Number: Date:
Rep Attendance:
names of reps in attendance
[x] Rhys
[x] Quasar
[x] Felix
[x] Joey
[x] Steve
[x] Kriss
[ ] Nori
[x] JP
Consent Agenda
Format (Time) Topic of Discussion - Leader(S) - Duration in Minutes
(To make using Markdown easy I have created example templates of markdown formatting for links and lists below, simply copy and paste for use)
Nested List Template
Further Sub Lists
Can Be included
As necessary
and then continue if needed
Or return to the parent list
Whilst it is preferrable to report directly into github with markdown as shown above, it maybe easier to record meeting minutes into a doc or text file and then copy relevant information over post-meeting
Last updated